09 March 2014

Social Media

Hi all,

We think Social Media is going to play an integral part of our business and how we interact with our customers and potential customers and will continue to use Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube and blogs but will add others so that we become more adept at getting in touch. Mobile phones are becoming more popular for the go to tool to find businesses online whilst on the move and will probably continue to do so as phones get better and technology moves forward. We would appreciate anyone who tries to find us online and has an issue emails, comments or calls us so that we can correct any problems even though these are tested before they go live. 
The way companies can be found and the way they can keep their customers informed has changed and some are still finding it difficult to adapt to keep with the times so i urge you all to go with what's around, Its not overly complicated to learn and even then these areas could be outsourced. The plus points are that you'll begin to understand and know what your customers are purchasing and saying and so in turn will alter what you do to keep those customers but more importantly increase that customer base. You will also see how diverse your customers are and that may be different to what you thought so use these tools to your benefit.


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